English Class Demo and Review, Week 7

We finally had our English class demonstration following our designed syllabus finished in high school .We all take serious and work hard for it,even though two of my partners are well-experienced teachers . We did have few times rehearsals and discussion for watching each other’s teaching errors or defects. There are several mistakes and suggestions are pointed out and mentioned by our instructor after the demonstration. For general review and my personal part :1. less confident during lecturing.The way of my speaking and intonation is not too firm but weak and it may be difficult to draw students’s attentions in class.2. less interaction with students.We may pick random students to answer the question under instructions .They love contest ,try to design some activities with several groups .3.Make the complicated idea simple. Once teach new sentence pattern , given examples to students right away so that they could freely practice or answer your question properly. Use given patterns and ask them to make sentences. 4.Try to create some interesting connection among students and increase their learning motivation on context.For example: The international time zone with time differences is apparently a good example teaching reference for them.With authentic practice by referring to our neighborhood or familiar buildings while asking them sort of preposition questions.5.Poor board writing. The handwriting on board with chalk looks messy and strange without organized and ordered outlines.6.Integration.Though three of us teach different parts around the topic “preposition” , but we should have clear connection and transitions between each session. In conclusion , we have done fairly satisfied with both some general mistakes as well as some positive reactions from students .We know how to improve them now at least after a real trial. we learn each other .Though this teaching experience , I learn how to work with partners and try to figure out the better ,effective solution to help each other.

one of our teachers goes down and closer to students lecturing.

We had co-teachers to film the performance and reactions between students and teacher during  the whole class.

Students were asked to answer the questions on the worksheets guided by teachers with instruction during  class session

Students were asked to answer the questions on the worksheets guided by teachers with instruction during class session.

One of our teachers went down closer to students to gain more interactions in his lecturing.

One of our teachers went down closer to students to gain more interactions in his lecturing.

In order to encourage students take part in class activities activily and speak out English paragraphs, we had prepared presents in advance to motivate their learning engagement. engagement.

In order to encourage students take part in class activities actively and speak out English paragraphs, we had prepared presents in advance to motivate their learning engagement.

Students are listening the lecture.

We had some good feedback and responds from students sometimes during a lecture.

English Class Demonstration Syllabus Outline 12/12

Teaching Objectives :

  1. Ensure that sudents can use prepositions and understand the meanings.
  2. Ensure that sudents can speak English idioms accurately.
  3. Ensure that sudents can use accurate prepositions for location within pictures .
  4. Ensure that sudents can point out right location by prepositions.
  5. Ensure that sudents can read and spell English Time expressions(one, two, three…sixty o’clock,a quarter, half, past and to).
  6. Ensure that sudents can be active to engage in class activities.
  7. Ensure that sudents can be active to make sentences.
  8. Ensure that sudents can be active to answer or react the questions and instructions.

Syllabus (outline version)

General Topic:Preposition

  1. Warm up – By listing a pop song with rap “XX in the house ” ,students may get attentions for topic of preposition before class starts.
  2. A Part : Numbers and Time expressions.(Peggy)
  3. B Part: Preposition uses for time.(George)
  4. C Part: Preposition uses for locations.(Jack)
  5. Activity and Practice: Handout the worksheets to students during class.
  6. Conclusion

Other considerations

  1. Class session :45 minutes.
  2. Materiel reference: Textbook,Internet,personals.
  3. Student information : 7 th grades , 30 people.
  4. Teaching style :lecturing ,activities,grouping,sharing,presentation.
  5. Teaching equipment:Projector,PC,Speaker,Internet,blackboard.
  6. Learning requirement:arrange seats by groups and hand out worksheets.
    Free presents prepared for encouraging student to engage in class activities more.
  7. Teaching review and resource: DV recording ,class observation with given evaluation form and one professional instructor during teaching.

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